Best, worst Super Bowl commercials in 2021: The biggest ...

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super bowl bets commercial - win

bets on inevitable super bowl commercial

bets on inevitable super bowl commercial submitted by kirkkismet to SuperShibe [link] [comments]

[Sports] - Super Bowl 2017: Latest news, commercials, halftime show info, betting guide and more

[Sports] - Super Bowl 2017: Latest news, commercials, halftime show info, betting guide and more submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to WAPOauto [link] [comments]

[Business] - 5 Super Bowl Commercial First-Timers Betting Big on the Big Game |

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[Business] - 5 Super Bowl Commercial First-Timers Betting Big on the Big Game |

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[Sports] - Super Bowl 2017: Latest news, commercials, halftime show info, betting guide and more | Washington Post

[Sports] - Super Bowl 2017: Latest news, commercials, halftime show info, betting guide and more | Washington Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

[Business] - 5 Super Bowl Commercial First-Timers Betting Big on the Big Game

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[Business] - 5 Super Bowl Commercial First-Timers Betting Big on the Big Game

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I bet r/millionairemakers could probably fund a super bowl commercial next year.

submitted by internalbleedin to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

Quick, we're taking bets on the order of super bowl commercials,can reddit help me out right quick? What will be the first commercial of the halftime?

Sorry, mobile post from man cave
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Really Big Thread - Feb 8, 221

The Really Big Show daily thread.
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GME: Next Steps

I've gotten more than a few DMs so I just want to offer my thoughts in a larger setting. I apologize for wasting others time and space.
Background: MBA w/+20 years including stints in Investment Banking, Equity Research, VC and Corporate. ( = I know enough to be dangerous.)
Should I invest tomorrow?
I would invest with the understanding that you're playing a high risk/high reward game vs. the best on Wall Street (WS) who aren't accustomed to losing. (Hell, you put a 50% dent in one of the most high profile HFs on the Street.) Reddit/WSB (WSB) is beating WS at its own game and WS will not accept that. The reason that I would still buy shares is because I'm perfectly comfortable waiting out the shorts, who I believe didn't cover entirely based on some sketchy trading volumes and price action on Thursday known as ladder attacks, which is basically artificially lowering a security's price by selling it back and forth between two parties. (Note: the WSJ is reporting that Melvin closed their positions at a loss of 50% to the fund. Maybe they did, though I don’t trust Melvin or the WSJ. Regardless, I have no doubt that other HFs are salivating at the short opportunity given where GME shares are currently trading.)
The key is the somewhat unreliable short data which comes out next week. As I mentioned in a previous post, getting accurate short data is next to impossible. It makes polling data look flawless by way of comparison. It has gotten to the point that I don't believe anything I read because there is not only time lag but synthetic longs and ladder attacks all of which serve to obscure the data. No firm wants it positions known so there is a strong incentive to obscure/hide the data. Another reason why Melvin publicly releasing its positions is just highly unusual/odd.
I would also be aware that a lot of HFs are making bank off the GME volatility by selling options and taking long positions. Just look at thetagang. The group is making their entire investment decisions based solely on the option premium without any concern for the underlying narrative to the point where they're short GME puts at the 200 strike. (And they think WSB is full of retards!)
To use an analogy, I'm a lifelong Giants fan who put a $1,000 down on the Giants beating the Pats in the 2008 Superbowl. The Pats went undefeated all season and the Giants entered the playoffs as a wildcard. The bookie even told me when I placed the bet that I was just throwing away my money. I bet the money line, i.e., no points, and ending up winning $5,000. The bookie just smiled at me when I handed him my ticket. Sometimes you just gotta trust your gut and stay loyal to your instincts no matter what others think. It's what separates the men from the boys.
TLDR: It’s a cliché, but don’t invest in GME what you can’t afford to lose. At this point, you're going against some very powerful hedge funds, i.e., the Pats in 2008. That said, WSB already scored a very impressive victory and is retarded enough to not realize how good their competition really is (just like the Giants in the Super Bowl).
How will the media portray the narrative?
The media have already started spreading the narrative that WSB is going to cause a financial collapse rather than the true culprits, namely, the HFs which leveraged up 5x to short 120% of a company's shares outstanding setting the stage for an infinity squeeze, which is the financial equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction. I mention this because the greatest risk IMHO is government intervention to quell the markets when the HFs start unloading positions to meet margin calls and borrowing costs. Nobody will lose sleep over a few billionaires losing a few commas in their net worth but hitting 401Ks, pension funds, and endowments is a different story. The official narrative will involve large commercial banks which loaned Melvin and other HFs billions to leveraged up with. These banks are regulated by the SEC and FDIC because they hold commercial deposits. When the narrative shifts from Melvin and HFs to names you recognize, e.g., JPM, BofA, Citi, rest assured the game is almost up. My guess is we're in the seventh or eighth inning of this game before it's stopped.
When people ask me about WSB I first discuss the HFs who created the conditions and then secondly note that thankfully we're dealing with a relatively small company in GME with a market cap of $20bn (so far!) compared to a company in the S&P 500, which is the basis for index funds and portfolio construction. In short, WSB did everyone a favor by calling attention to such a disastrous scenario in as optimal circumstances as possible. We should be very thankful WSB alerted the public to a systematic flaw in the financial system before a much greater meltdown occurred.
TLDR: The media are the PR firms for Wall Street. They exist to promote a narrative and receive access and compensation in return. They have no interest in reporting how the retail investor is being swindled. In contrast WSB did everyone a favor by pointing out a very serious systematic flaw in as optimal fashion as possible. This is the truth and the message that needs to be heard.
What’s the next step?
FINRA releases short data next Tuesday, February 9th for the period ending this past Friday, January 29th. Roughly 700mn GME shares changed hands last week or 10x the total shares outstanding so I'm pretty sure the short interest (SI) has fallen below 100%. However, I expect it to still be well above 50% given the typical HF’s risk appetite by which I mean they expect the retail investors to run for the exits sending shares back to $20-ish levels. I would love to know the borrowing costs for these firms because it basically tells you how long they can wait before such costs negatively impact their returns. My guess is until March when they have to report 1Q results to investors.
TLDR: Short data will show a decrease in SI, which is not necessarily a bad thing but it’s important to note that the risk/reward profile of the trade has moved.
How much good did this GME trade really do besides transfer a lot of wealth?
A heck of alot. At a minimum, WSB drew well needed scrutiny to the role of option clearings firms such as Citadel* and Wolverine, i.e., the shadow economy, and their dual roles as market makers and hedge funds (players and referees). This screams conflict of interest. A revolution doesn’t happen overnight but this is another step forward in demonstrating how rigged the game is against the retail investor and guy in the (Main) street. Our regulatory agencies exist to enforce transparency and fairness. WSB has demonstrated that the derivatives market and particularly short selling lack both and have the capability to cause a financial panic. And of course, there is the unbelievable amount of charitable donations from WSB gains which prove who the real Robinhood is. (Sorry, couldn’t resist).
TLDR: Sunlight is the best disinfectant – Justice Brandeis
For the questions below and messages:
As I tried to communicate in the write-up, I would characterize the trade as more risky than a week ago when the SI was above 100%. I have no doubt many shorts have since closed. That said, I suspect the SI is still well above 50% given where the stock is and typical HF risk appetite. This is not a trade for your parents or grandparents.* There is serious risk here that the share price collapses based on who the counterparties are and the lower SI. That said, I still like it and I'm in it. IMHO, it comes down to a game of chicken in the sense of who is willing to hold longer. HFs have investors to report to in 1Q vs. WSB who have bills, rent, and life to deal with. As my old coach would say, who wants it more.

submitted by sorengard123 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]


Buckle up retards cuz this autist is about to take you on a ride to tendy town. Inb4 you all check my post history and bitch about all my WKHS posts, ya no fucking shit I’m gonna post about a stock I love. Inb4 Inb4 you tinfoil hat wearing GME/AMC fucks attack me, last time I checked there’s more than two stocks on the exchanges. Anyways here goes,
Workhorse group is a Loveland, Ohio EV manufacturer. 100% American Made (insert American Eagle boner gif) and completely electric for all you who value the environment or whatever. I’m sure you’ve all come across it at some point especially when I was the top trending stock for like a week at the end of June/July. As many of you might now, this shitshow of a government we have here in the good ol’ USA is looking to upgrade their self combusting USPS fleet via a NGDV (Next Generation Delivery Vehicle) bidding process for a contract to the tune of approximately 8 billion. When all is said and done, including maintenance and upkeep, the contract in the span of a decade or more is about 20b. This NGDV contract is the “betting” portion of this stock and despite what all the retarded naysayers claim, there is a fuck ton more to WKHS besides this contract. This is the cherry on top so I’m starting top down with this masterpiece.
Currently, there are three remaining bids from companies involved in this NGDV selection process. Karsan (a Turkish company), Ford/Oshkosh (joint venture), and our beloved WKHS.
Karsan - I can’t see this winning even a fraction of a percent of the contract due to it not being American. Not because it’s a bad company but if you check the requirements for the companies, they snuck in a clause that mandated 75% American made parts to be selected. Also, Biden, for the better part of his campaign and to this day has been proclaiming that he will be bringing American manufacturing to the forefront again and we will be buying American (something he and Trump miraculously had in common). For this reason, Karsan is seen as a non-factor.
Ford/Oshkosh - The only realistic challenger to WKHS and only bear case being made against it. Undoubtedly, Ford is as American as it gets. But even more undoubtedly, they are shitty and unreliable as fuck. Millions of recalls on Ford vehicles in the past and present. Another big issue with this is that Biden was “zero-emission”. The prototype submitted for the proposal was a hybrid and not fully EV. For this reason, I think Ford receives a portion of this contract no greater than 25%. Another reason I think they’ll get only a minor stake in this is because their prototype does indeed actually fare better in rural routes where charging stations just aren’t all that practical or possible.
The whole NGDV process has been going on for about 6 years and there’s no surprise that this inefficient government has been unable to wrap the process up at this point and then Covid took over. Yes there have been delays to the contract award as recently as October 2020. In a lettememo addressed to the USPS Board of Governors, they were urged to not further delay this process as with the current degradation of the existing fleet, doing so would harm the project altogether and further complicate the process of removing these shitboxes that have been around since ‘87. With Covid being the last excuse to delay, and the vaccine now being rolled out, I DO NOT foresee another stalling of the process.
Another reason WKHS is my favorite in this race is that DeJoy’s current philosophy on the USPS is to cut costs and to have the entity become for cost efficient. In case you haven’t noticed, ICE vehicles are much more costly to run and maintain that a 100% EV vehicle. Fewer parts means fewer problems and much less maintenance and repair costs. Also, in their recent financial statements, the USPS had requested a 600% increase in their infrastructure spending. I don’t see too many post offices crumbling to the ground, so this can only mean they’re gearing up to install a metric fuck ton of charging stations. By going fully EV, billions will be saved over time by the post office, an entity that’s currently burning cash like it’s their fucking job.
Enough about the contract though, let’s talk other aspects. WKHS is currently partnered with UPS in testing by out their fleet and also more importantly their drone delivery capabilities. WKHS currently owns the patents to vehicle borne drone launching technology. This isn’t talked about enough. Many people think the future of this company hinges on that shitshow of a contract when in reality the really exciting part is this drone tech. It would be extremely helpful and useful in efficient package delivery especially when there’s a whole fleet management system capabilities that the company offers. As the autonomous tech and drones sector begin to grow exponentially, WKHS has a head start on it (the commercial delivery aspect).
Institutional holdings lies at almost 50%. The big boys and big girls (BAE Cathie Wood) are in on the company and they are in heavy. My wife Cathie must be seeing something in the future of this company if she’s grown her holding to over 2.2m shares and she’s not gonna throw some money into a gamble on a fucking government contract.
Many claim that production is an issue but this is more a scare tactic than an actual issue. Sister company Lordstown Motors (Ticker: Ride) is led by former WKHS CEO. They have offered their factory, which has the capability to pump out about 600k vehicles a year, if WKHS needs it. Important to note that WKHS has a 10% stake in Lordstown and will receive royalties on the first 100k Endurance EV pickup trucks that Lordstown sells. So there’s another form of revenue the company has going for it.
It’s a growth stock with a lot of potential and it’s logistically gearing up to grow. Received 200m financing from an institutional Investor during the late summeearly fall, and it entered into an agreement with Hitachi, to be assured in the logistics of the company. Hitachi is a pretty serious company to be partnered with unless you plan on slinging out vehicles. Most recently, a 6,320 truck order came in from Pritchard which totals around 250m give or take a few bucks. This is all while IKEA a company that aims to go fully electric by 2025 is testing out a fleet of WKHS C1000 vehicles.
Connect the fucking dots and join the ride fellow autists. I’ve been long WKHS since January of 2020 and there’s plenty of room to run. High risk high reward with this growth stock but that’s why we’re all here right?
Positions - 1000 shares, 11x $60c 2/12 (USPS BOG meeting Tuesday so these are scratch off lottos basically), 5x $60c 2/19 (see previous calls), 11x 45c 4/16.
Let’s ride this horse to tendy town fellas 🤝
Edit: I’m a retard blah blah blah THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE I JUST LOVE THIS STOCK blah blah blah
EDIT 2 - WKHS vehicles are being showcased at the super bowl as Pritchard is using WKHS trucks to take people to and from the super bowl and various surrounding locations. Essentially they are marketing themselves by providing shuttle services.
Edit 3 - WKHS is currently at about 30% short sold so a contract announcement in their favor will easily rocket this to 100+ as shorts scramble to cover. It sneaky made the list of highly shorted stocks.
Edit 5 - TLDR: WKHS is 100% American made EV Last Mile Delivery Vehicle. Has Patents pending for its drone delivery tech. Frontrunner for USPS 8.2b+ Government Fleet Contract (NGDV Contract). Heavy institutional ownership including BAE Cathie Wood. 30% Short Float to be squeezed on contract announcement.
submitted by captshtpst to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

r/popheads AOTY 2020 #33 Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour

Release Date: June 12, 2020
Apple Music| Spotify
Hi everyone,
So I originally was not on the list to do an album write up (since I did not volunteer because I was lazy and didn't want to put the effort into doing a write up again like last year). However, after looking at the album list and seeing that Ungodly Hour, aka my 4th favorite album of the year by one of popheads new fan favorites, Chloe x Halle, was not there, I decided to ask the AOTY host and take it upon myself to do a write up for one of best albums of the year, and soon to be main pop girls (I am manifesting!).
Who are Chloe x Halle ?
Chloe and Halle Bailey are a sibling duo out of Georgia, USA, with Chloe being the older sibling (age 22) and Halle being the younger one (age 20). They first gained recognition through their Youtube Channel, where their covers of major pop songs (Rolling in the Deep, Wrecking Ball, Roar and Royals to name a few) shot them into the spotlight and were even crowned winners of Radio Disney's The Next Big Thing. Eventually they caught the attention of Beyonce (yes Beyonce) after they covered Pretty Hurts at the ages of 15 and 13 (imagine having this much talent at those ages..cannot relate), who signed them to her label Parkwood Entertainment.
Following their signing to Parkwood, they released their first EP Sugar Symphony followed by their mixtape The Two of Us. They started gaining more attention through their various performances including the 2016 BET Awards, the White House Easter Egg Roll and the 2017 NFL Draft. In 2017, they joined the cast of the tv show Grow-ish where they eventually became series regulars. Although this is the start of their acting careers, Halle's career is about to get even bigger as she was cast as Ariel in the Little Mermaid in 2019, which led to some controversy where people were angry that a black women couldn't play a fictional cartoon creature because the colour of her skin didn't match and she doesn't have red hair. As a side bar, after hearing her voice for the first time I think she is great casting as Ariel and her voice is perfectly suited for Ariel's songs and she is not too old or young as well.
In 2018, they finally released their debut album, The Kids are Alright. It was well received and earned them two Grammy nominations as well; Best Urban Contemporary and Best New Artist. With all the songs written by the duo and a lot of the songs produced by Chloe (along with some help from collaborators for a few tracks) this album show how capable and talented they are, and the musical diversity and potential they have.
The Journey to Ungodly Hour
On April 17, 2020 the duo released Catch Up featuring Swae Lee and Mike Will Made-It. However the debut single from the album was Do It which was released on May 14 followed by Forgive Me which was released the next day. When the album was finally released on June 12, it received critical acclaim and charted at number 16 on the Billboard 200 Album chart. From there, they continued to received a ton of praise through the various performances they did, a Grammy nomination for Best Progressive R&B album, and also making multiple year end lists for 2020.
The first time I learned about Chloe x Halle was not too long ago at the Super Bowl LII where they performed America the Beautiful. I was blown away by their vocals and harmonizing, and was also shocked to learn how old they were (and that they were younger than me!). I remember that Twitter was praising them so much and deservedly they received a lot of attention for that. For some reason I did not end up checking out their music after that, and I only came back around to them the day their album debuted, as I heard from friends and Twitter once again that it was excellent. And wow it definitely was. Ungodly Hour is a cohesive, fun and artistically impressive project.

Track by Track Review

Intro / Forgive Me
Don't ever ask for permission, Ask for forgiveness
The album kicks off with probably my favorite track(s); a hauntingly angelic Intro track which goes into Forgive Me. Forgive Me is a uptempo song with that infuses trap elements with Chloe x Halle's R&B vocals. The song is about moving on from a boy who has done them wrong and moving onto better things instead. They have wasted time on him and his lie and have cut him off to they can move on with their life. One reason I love this song is that the lyrics in combination the production and vocals are so intense and dramatic, creating an amazing build up throughout the song. Another thing I love is how well suited Chloe and Halle's vocals are to the parts they sing. Chloe has a much lower register compared to Halle and I think this song really plays into their vocal difference so well. Anyway, this song was addicting for me as it was a bop but such a unique one that no other artist could pull off.
Baby Girl
So don't you forget about
The little girl that you met now
The one that's in your spirit
She's still got your back, yeah
Baby Girl is a song about love and taking control of your world even when times are tough, even when you have seen shit and when you are feeling down. It is a song of encouragement and empowerment from the perspective being a girl, and channeling the spirit of your younger self to make it through whatever hard situation you are in. While I do enjoy this song a lot and the message it sends, there are much stronger tracks on this album which makes this end up being a filler track (if you had to pick filler on this album which is a big stretch as this album is super cohesive and I don't think anything could have been cut).
Do It
I'm just with the crew, We ain't out here looking for boo'
Cause some nights be better with you, It's a homies-only kind of mood
Do It is the most successful song from this album and essentially the lead single (Catch Up does not feel like the lead single I'm sorry). A major bop that is so catchy, this song is about just going out with your girls and just having a good time aka the perfect song to play while getting ready before you go out. This is probably their most "radio friendly" song but even with that, this song is very much them with their little harmonic sections and vocal overlays thrown into the song.
Do It also got a remix as well featuring Doja Cat, City Girls and Mulatto which also is super fun, although by this point I had listened to the original a lot so I preferred that.
You're strumming on my heartstrings, don't be dumb
If you love your little life, then don't fuck up
Tipsy is a carefree fun bop about killing boys who break your heart breaking it off guys who don't treat you right even if your are intoxicatedly in love with them. There is a feeling of scorn here as they make threats to the guy they are seeing, warning him not to mess up or he's gone from their life. The whole song basically plays on a metaphor of being drunk in love and when you are tipsy you can being having a great time but also act impulsively at any moment. This song is like a teeter-totter, flipping back and forth between being in love with your boo and hoping for this best, but one misstep will flip you to the other side and you could end up dead in the ground.
This song is definitely a top 3 song from the album for me. I love the exaggerated style of the song, and how it is littered with threats. Chloe x Halle also sound like they are having so much fun on the song and are playful yet not to be messed with in the song.
Ungodly Hour
When you don't have to think about it
Love me at the ungodly hour
Produced by Disclosure, this song is a self love anthem and choosing to not to fully commit unless the other person's heart is fully in it as well. The girls lament about how although they are smitten and enjoy being with their lover, they need to work on themselves first before they can love them at the 'ungodly hour', a time where insecurities are exposed and you are the most vulnerable. Chloe x Halle yearn for more from their lover, and their hesitation has left them in the cold, waiting for them to fully be in it before they can come over again.
This song is definitely one of the best tracks on the album and I would love the duo to continue to work with producers like Disclosure. Disclosure really elevates the song with their pulsing and smooth production. What they did on the song really compliments the melodies and harmonies that the girls have on the song and the elevates the song into a moody and spacey bop.
Busy Boy
That's why I don't play with you, I spend a little time, don't stay with you, I tell you what you wanna hear all the time Just because you're so damn fine
This song is about having a little fling with a man who fools around, but never fully committing into a relationship as he is not worth the time. I love how they call him out here and the cheekiest of the song, especially the chorus. The two of them really let loose on here and have lots of fun with the song. The man in this song and also in a lot of the other songs on the album is rumoured to be the girls Grow-ish co-star Diggy Simmons, who Chloe apparently had a relationship with (which neither confirmed but it's very likely they did), and as the song suggests was a busy boy indeed.
As Chloe once said in an interview: "What I love about creating music is that we can kind of just put our experiences in the music, and that’s how we share our personal lives."
Catch Up
I'm quick to move on, don't get it confused
I have a future with shit to lose
The one song with some features on the album (Swae-Lee and Mike Will Made-It), this song was actually the lead single as I mentioned earlier. It's a fine song and it continues with the theme of having a fling with a guy who isn't fully committed. Chloe and Halle's melodies are super interesting here and I do like Swae Lee's presence as a male voice although I think they could have done the song without him as well. Although not a favorite song on here, this song does make me want to see the girls work with other male hip hop artists and I think they could collab well with melodic artists such as Roddy Ricch or Travis Scott.
Holdin' my breath 'til my face turns blue, Head under waterBreathe deeply, they said
An interlude essentially, this song is Chloe x Halle flexing their harmonizing abilities while singing about being overwhelmed and stressed and trying to cope with it. I don't have much to say about this other than it is gorgeous and very relatable.
It don't have to be lonely being alone
One of my personal favourites, Lonely is a song about embracing being by yourself, whether it's being single or if your friends are out and about. This song, although not intentionally, is a COVID pandemic anthem in my mind. In times where it is hard to go out and see family and friends or have close relationships you have to learn to be okay with being by yourself and finding peace with that. Even if there wasn't a global pandemic going on, I think the message still applies greatly in life. Some of us yearn so hard to be surrounded by people 24/7 or be in a relationship instead of being single and through this song, Chloe x Halle encourage us to learn more about ourselves when we are by ourselves, rather that seeking validation and constant contact from others. I know I keep saying this (and I will keep saying it forever) but their harmonies are amazing here and I think this is lyrically one of their strongest songs, which is why I think its one of their best tracks here.
Don't Make it Harder On Me
Don't make it harder on me
I told you not to love me
And now you're growing on me
One of, if not the best track for harmonies on this album, this song is an exuberant proclamation where the girls beg a guy to stop being sweet and nice and tempting them to go back to the guy. They have moved on from this guy and are just friends with him but there is still something in their hearts that draws them back to him and makes it hard to feel 100% moved on. I love the stripped back production with guitars and drums and how it builds into the chorus. Chloe and Halle's voices sound heavenly and this is definitely some of the best vocals they have on the album.
Wonder What She Thinks of Me
So tell me, tell me, baby I know this is crazy
You've done this before, so who are you to judge me? Me?
Probably the most haunting song on the album, this is a mid-temp song where Chloe and Halle reflect on being the other women in relationship. They yearn to be with this guy however they also ponder what the actual girlfriend thinks of them as she definitely knows the man is cheating on her with someone else. But they don't care, they love the guy and would continue being the other women, This is definitely the most risque song they have done but I love how they were bold enough to write this song from the 'mistress' perspective, as it's something that's not done too often. The stripped back production is super effective and the ramping up of the intensity of the song in the chorus is a great stylistic choice as well to emphasize the predicament they are in.
Won't you live tonight? (For the rest of your life)
Could be paradise (Never know 'til you try)
The album closes with this triumphant track about Chloe x Halle wanting the person they are interested in to be with them for the night and to give things a shot. This I think is a perfect closer, and it wraps up the narrative that has been set up throughout the entire album of dealing with an on and off relationship the confusing feelings that have been exhibited throughout. This song is another one of my favorites from the album and I love the plucky production interwoven with with the trap beat. This is one of those songs I feel like you could shout from a rooftop and I love how the girls switch back and forth between talk-singing and giving it all with their vocals.

Notable Performances

Chloe x Halle in this era are know for being performers, and executing looks and visuals while giving out of this world vocals. Here are some of the highlights from this era that should definitely be checked out:
Final Thoughts
Ungodly Hour is a slick and tight project with themes of female empowerment, love, breaking hearts, getting heartbroken, not taking shit from men who are playing games with your heart and loving yourself first when you need to.
Chloe x Halle have really showcased their abilities and maturity through this album through their knack for melodies, harmonies, vocals and ability to write and also produce their own music. Beyonce knew exactly what they were capable of when they were signed to her label, and all the potential they have to become big stars. Although I would say this album is a breakout for them and has definitely garnered them a larger fanbase through places like popheads and word of mouth, I think in the next couple years they will become massive stars.
Questions for Discussion:
  1. What are your favorite songs from the album?
  2. What direction do you see Chloe x Halle going in for their next project? Do you ever think we will see solo projects from them?
  3. In an interview recently, Chloe said she would love to work with Bree Runway (will PHCJ win? Stay tuned). What artists would you like to see them collaborate with?
  4. Do you think they will be able to spawn a top 10 hit? Or do you see them continuing with being more low key and having critical success over commercial?
submitted by ignitethephoenix to popheads [link] [comments]

ACS February-4-2021: Brett Favre, Eric Bolling, and Gerry Callahan

At the top of the show, Adam talks to Bryan and Gina about his Willy T. Ribb’s documentary, ‘Uppity’, making yet another films-to-watch list. The guys then chat about ridiculous articles from ‘Good Housekeeping Magazine’. From there, Brett Favre and Eric Bolling join the podcast, and the guys talk about Brett’s recent appearance on Tucker Carlson talking about cheese. Adam also asks the guys for their thoughts on the Super Bowl, as well as some of the more memorable games in Brett’s NFL career. Later, Adam talks about what frustrates him when he watches football, and Brett talks about his relationship with different coaches throughout his life, including his own father. Before the break, the guys chat with a caller about wussy country music, and possible tool tunes.
At the top of Part 2, Adam welcomes legendary sports reporter Gerry Callahan to the podcast. The guys talk about his decades in morning radio, as well as what’s going on with terrestrial radio in 2021. Later they talk about cancel culture, sensitivity training, and stifling the next generation of social commentators. Gina then reads news stories about Jeff Bezos stepping down as CEO of Amazon, more claims against Marilyn Manson, and Super Bowl Prop Bets. In the last part of the show, the guys talk about COVID restrictions for Super Bowl Sunday, and they watch some leaked Super Bowl commercials.
Where’s the fugitive niece?
submitted by jsakic99 to AdamCarolla [link] [comments]

Pod-less Week: The Substitute Teacher of the Pod

Since we were bereft of pods this week, here is a quick hypothetical version of what a pod might have sounded like from the mind of someone much less creative and glaringly unqualified to create one...

Term of endearment – “Hello… Chicken Noodle Soups. Welcome to Sports?”
1st voicemail – In honor of the Chief’s Daniel Kilgore (famously had his barber pulled mid-haircut due to COVID), what was your worst haircut that you can remember? (Katie immediately says, “Every haircut I had up through middle school. Have you seen the intro to HQ when I am on? That picture they use of me… that.” She then tells a story of one of the times she chose to get bangs as an adult. Travis says you can’t get a bad haircut if you always get the same haircut. Christina has a delightful story of a time she was inspired by someone else to try something with her hair and learned quickly it didn’t work for her and she should have just admired it from afar.)
Friendly banter – The group talk about Super Bowl plans and what kind of food situation they are going to have for the game. A lot of Travis’ choices are of the taco, nacho, and guacamole variety leading Katie to wonder if Travis has an affinity for all things Latin. A debate sparks up over wings, sauces, and what foods are best for eating while watching a game. The listeners are shocked to learn that Katie and Travis agree and Christina is the one dissenting. Peace is restored when they move on to game day drinks and whether it’s ok to have wine with Super Bowl snacks instead of the traditional beer.
Mental Health Update – Balancing the optimism of vaccines with the reality of how long it takes to get them and the still ever present danger of being around people creates a nauseating seesaw of emotions. Katie suggests looking at a time horizon that makes you feel the most stable and calm. For some it might be focusing on the present and what you are doing today instead of worrying about when things will happen that are beyond your control, and for others that might be looking way down the road to a time when all the current badness is hopefully over.
Ad #1 – Katie reads Draft Kings as a reporter doing whacky things to get noticed during Super Bowl media week.
Pro Bowl recap and Super Bowl preview – Katie discusses the virtual events that made up this year’s version of the Pro Bowl. The use of Madden as one of the competitions leads Katie to some fun stories of times she has played video games with athletes. The group tries to come up with socially distant events for the Pro Bowlers to compete in, decide that Wii Boxing would be the most entertaining were they able to do it online. Christina provides a preview of the Super Bowl and Katie surprisingly drops in random advanced statistics (famously not a stats person) and proceeds to “mansplain” them to Travis. It’s later revealed Katie had watched Mina on NFL live earlier and took some notes.
Ad #2 – Katie reads Hello Tushy as someone whose superstitious beliefs forces them to stay in the bathroom when their team has the ball, but still wants to know what’s happening in the game. Christina experiences her first unmuted snort laugh.
Super Bowl Drinking Games – Since most people (hopefully) will be forgoing the usual Super Bowl parties, the group thinks of fun drinking games that people can play by themselves or over a Zoom call. Christina comes out the gates hot suggesting 2 shots for a TD, 1 shot for a FG, and 3 shots for a missed XP. Katie reminds her the Chiefs and Bucs combined to average 70 points per game this season and that we don’t want to kill the listeners. Travis suggests a shot every lead change, or every time a commercial mentions “these trying/challenging times”. Katie suggests using cards to randomly assign each person a non-QB offensive player and you have to take a shot every time they get a first down or score (RITMP to whoever gets Tyreke Hill or Travis Kelce).
Ad #3 – Katie reads Trust & Will as someone with hypochondriac tendencies.
Voicemail #2 – What’s the worst thing you had to do as a result of losing a bet? (Author’s note: I’m not going to even take a stab and imagining what the answers would be, but I imagine Travis probably has the best story.)
Outro - Katie asks everyone to listen to the podcast 1 time for every shot they take playing their Super Bowl drinking game. Katie reads a review (one that she totally had prepared and didn’t just pull up at the last minute) where the author says, “This podcast reads the reviews live on the podcast if you give it 5 stars. So here are 5 stars in hopes that Katie reads the review and says out loud…” Katie cuts it off and says, “Maybe I start pulling these in advance next time.” Katie says leave us a voicemail in a weird sing song type of voice.
“Say goodbye Travis”
“Nice... Say goodbye Christina, in whatever language you choose.”
Bye, love you, mean it.
submitted by Andrew_FromChicago to SportsQuestionMark [link] [comments]

How my wife saved me (financially as well as other tings)

First let me say I am making this post in response to the amazing and overwhelming comments I received as a result of my comment on another post. You guys are all amazing. I waited until my wife was home and she's here with my as I type making sure I don't miss anything and also to fact check when I exaggerate as I have a tendency to do.
TL;DR: I was a middle-class suburban bum who didn't know anything about money and my wife came from nothing and her work ethic and ability to organize money led me to pay off my student loans last week
Now to get an idea of both myself and my wife I'll give you a little background. I came from a typical Middle Class, suburban American family. My mom is a nurse and my dad has done everything from own a chair factory to delivering dental supplies, but we always were pretty well off. This is also partly due to my father's family being very wealthy and allowing him to inherit the money to buy his home with zero mortgage. Financially, I was taught little or nothing growing up, everyone is aware of the lack of financial prep in the US school system, and my family treated money as a sort of "dirty" topic. If you did something for free you were "clean" and "noble" if you did things outright for the pay it was "mercenary" and not considered good. When I was told to look for careers both me and my siblings weren't told "make sure you can make a living and take care of yourselves" but "do what you love, the money doesn't matter" and the classic "money doesn't bring happiness". It took me years to learn that a lack of money can certainly bring UNhappiness.
So, as a result, I found myself making a series of financial mistakes my whole life. Everything from not opening a line of credit (I thought I was "beating the dirty bankers") to develop my credit score, to repeatedly overdrawing my checking account to be hit with $500 overage fees AND additional $25 late on paying the overage fees-fees (Once I owed up to $2000 without realizing and only by pleading with both the bank to reduce it to $1000 and my mom to pay it off did I escape that fiasco). And I never really learned. After moving out of the house I did get used to checking my checking account to make sure I had enough money to pay various bills and rent, though I do remember forgetting a few times and having my water shut off. Long story short I found myself an adult with no career, $80,000+ in student loan debt, and zero idea of how to progress.
Now my wife's story is about as opposite as you can get. She was born in Thailand. Her mother was from an extremely poor farming family who sometimes had one bowl of rice to share for the whole family for the day. Her dad was a little better off with a more middle class family and worked as an electrician of sorts. My wife's mother was his second marriage after he drove the first wife off and it was an arranged marriage that my wife's mother did not was to do. She has an older half sister from her father's first marriage (who is a mess) and her father did NOT want another girl, he wanted a boy. In fact her nickname to this day is "Bee" stemming from her being "Plan B" or "If it's a boy, his name is A, if it's a girl she's B".
That theme sort of continued while she was young. Her sister was given as much as the family could support, being the oldest, and had all the normal things like schools supplies and even had her university studies paid for by their father (she dropped out). My wife on the other hand had to make due with hand me down clothes that her mom would sew deep hems in the skirts to fit her body which she would eventually let out bit by bit as she grew. When she wanted to go to school her father told her she had to find the money herself because the family couldn't afford it.
Thankfully, her mom (basically to keep her occupied while her mom was at work) had signed her up for every athletics program under the sun from a very young age and thanks to both good academic grades and a talent for basketball she not only achieved scholarships to a college prep school but to one of the most prestigious universities in the country. She just told me to make sure that I mention how her mom had her keep a record of her spending and saving on a piece of paper ever since she got a small allowance as a little girl and learn how to cut out "unnecessary things" (her favorite mantra that I picked up).
While at University my wife had to struggle in the extreme as not only did her family not help with tuition, but food, housing, books, clothes, or anything else was up to her. She had to find a way to make enough money to live and study while competing both for the schools basketball and, occasionally, the schools Judo team, which any student athlete can tell you is already a full time job.
It was hard, very hard. "The lowest point of my life" she says. She made money by doing freelance work as a graphics designer (she majored in Animation and Graphic Design, she always wanted to learn to paint but decided she'd never make money doing that, to this day she's an amazing sketch artist and painter btw). She went for years subsiding on about $40 a month. She couldn't even afford rice to eat and had to buy bulk packs of ramen noodles which she supplemented with discount vegetables to literally not get scurvy. This whole time she watched as her family descended into chaos as her grandfather (on her dad's side) passed away and his children, her aunts and uncles fought like hyenas over an elephants carcass over the inheritance and her sister ended up stealing from her father large sums of money, ran off, got pregnant, abandoned her children and came back to continue a sad decline into drugs and bad life choices.
She graduated eventually and tried to make a living as a graphic artist in Thailand, but her dad had lost his job due to a declining mental state caused by PTSD from several brushes with Thailand's underworld while he was an electrical building inspector. So now, she had to support her father (and as a result her sister) on her own. After two years of trying in Thailand she realized she wouldn't be able to and ended up decided to leave Thailand and become and au pair to support her family. I'd like to add that through my wife I've met a lot of au pairs and their lot is utter garbage and little better than slavery in many situations and while many come from decent backgrounds just trying to make some money while they explore the wider world, most are desperate and trying to find a way to escape the poverty of their homes like my wife.
I met my wife in America. I was working as a fat, more than broke delivery driver and she was a struggling au pair working basically 24/7 (I know it's technically not, but when you live in the home you work it does it really matter if you're on the clock if the baby wakes up crying?) and making $195 a week. She sent back $350 a month to support her family and saved the rest as best she could. I had no idea how much I made or where it went aside from I hadn't had an overcharge fee in a little while.
Eventually after meeting, falling in love, and deciding to get married she eventually quit being an au pair and moved in with my and my family (after I moved back to America I moved in with my parents where I still live today) and the journey of first discovering my financial mess and fixing it began, and oh boy, what I write can only scratch the edge of the weekly "checkups" and arguments and lectures and stress that went into this development, it wasn't easy for either of us. She couldn't believe she'd become partners with such a disorganized mess and for me it proved to be VERY hard to learn to curb your spending when you never thought to before.
Luckily, I had "graduated" from being a delivery driver to working at Solar City. The first step on a long journey that eventually led to me joining the Ironworkers Union. On my development my wife showed me how to keep a physical record of every single penny I spent and earned. I would keep it up for a week, forget and loose the book then she would buy me another one and we began again. I have a closet full of about a dozen checking account books. Then she had me organize my student loans. I had no idea how much my monthly minimums were and was shocked to find out it was almost $700/mo. She taught me what interest was. These were the first steps.
I struggled, I mean really struggled to get the basic concepts of knowing where my money was at all times. Old me thought that was a waste of brain energy and it was a hard mentality to break. I'd say at least a year went by before I really understood how much I made each week/month and what my monthly expenditures were and by then I'd taken my second step in my career as a laborer working for a commercial solar company. Now I was making enough money to start paying off my loans consistently on my own (my mom had been paying part each month) even with my sloppy book keeping. This was the second biggest motivator in my life to get my sh*t together, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and knowing that, yes I in fact could climb out of my hole myself. This and the other motivation led me to working as much overtime as possible and picking up a second job as a pizza delivery guy Friday-Sunday. I was not working more than I thought was possible (depending on overtime opportunities between 65-85 hours a week).
The main motivation though, was seeing my wife's growth no matter how many hours I worked she always ALWAYS worked more it was inspiring, exhaustin and terrifying at times to see. In my previous comment I said she'd nearly doubled her income a year, and I wasn't joking. After she left being an au pair she had to wait 6 grueling months to get her green card. It nearly drove her insane and she ended up working under the table as a cleaning lady to continue to support her family. She'd clean everything from ritsy homes in Cambdrige and Brookline to the utterly disgusting college kid housing around BC/BU/Harvard areas. She kept a paper record this whole time and is checking it now to see how much she made she made a little over $1000/month.
After she was cleared for work she continued as a cleaning lady but also got a job as a cashier, eventually a waitress at a local Vietnamese restaurant. She stopped being an au pair in January, in June she was making $1000/mo, July $1800, August $2100, September $2700, October $3000. She just read those off (I'm rounding to the nearest $100). A year later she'd left the cleaning job and started working as a waitress at a second restaurant as well as picking up shifts at David's Bridal as a seamstress, eventually maxing out at $4500/mo. In March 2018 she made $5200. This is just from pure willpower and work ethic. After going over the numbers this is where she maxes out for the present but even if it's not doubled (sorry my own exaggeration) since then this, to me, is an outstanding growth.
So watching her fight like that how could I not? I worked my bun off right next to her. She taught me to push like I never pushed before and now that I was putting in that many hours and that much effort I finally not only had the knowledge how to track my money but I had a deep desire to know where every drop of sweat was being saved or spent. I got better at accounting using Mint and my bank's online manager. I followed my 401k growth, I checked how much I was spending on gas, on work clothes, I didn't write it down like she did but I learned to keep track of everything. Nothing motivates someone knowing how much they have like knowing how hard it is to earn.
Eventually I got into the Union after years in construction. With my wife's work ethic driving my I'd garnered a reputation as a motivated and dedicated hand wherever I went. I might not be the best, but you can bet I'd be the first there and the last to leave, very few people out worked me. This reputation eventually got me noticed by a Union member and thanks to years of trying to keep up with my wife I'd grown into a much better person and while it can be very difficult to get into a Union it took one week from my first meeting to being on a jobsite with a Union outfit, riding an elevator up the biggest building I'd ever worked on (50ish stories) and up to a career that could support my own family the rest of my life. All thanks to my wife. After that I'd graduated the whole "watch your money" phase she taught me more, and we learned together. I started paying off my loans early in a focused way, starting with the highest interest first. I opened credit cards and used them both sparingly and paid them off each week to keep my balance low and my credit score high. I started investing in basic stocks to get a feel for the market, putting about 10% of my paycheck in as a learning cost and two years after getting into the ironworkers union I FINALLY paid off the last of my student debt. From $80,000+ to $0 all thanks to my wife's guidance and teachings.
Sorry this is an aside but it's actually funny, compared to any American construction worker I was a hungry tiger who devoured work, and it actually meant I ended up being classified less as "one of the Americans" but was adopted by the other class of hungry-tiger-worker in my industry: the other immigrants. Construction in any state in the US is done by Spanish immigrants, not completely but they are a constant and huge presence on any jobsite. Most I've met work like my wife. Voraciously. They came from harder lives than most can understand (An Elsalvadorian friend of mine, and the best carpenter I've ever seen, tell me how when he was 12 a guerrila army told him he was to fight with them or they'd kill his mom so he did that until a helicopter gunship killed them all so he ran and got a job loading boulders onto trucks). My motto since then has been "Work like an immigrant, get paid like a citizen". That last part is unfortunately since many are illegal they get taken hugely advantage of with no options.
To finish this insanely long tale: After I got in the Union my wife saw how the Union allowed minorities and women a chance to work in the trades and the benefits both in take home pay, and in benefits (Insurance, annuity, pension, vacation pay, free training) and decided she wanted to make the move, too. Ever since she was little she wanted to be like her dad, an electrician, but he told her girls couldn't do it. Now, when the opportunity presented itself she gave it her all, like she always does, and less than a year later she is the top student in her 1st year technician apprentice class and had multiple supers and foremen tell her she'll be a foreman soon, which I never doubted.

EDIT: Holy cows guys, thank you so much for all the love, it really is overwhelming! Bee can't wait to see what the next comment says and is just glowing and I'm practically in tears. Thank you again you're all so kind.
submitted by worldwarcheese to financialindependence [link] [comments]

1/27/1997 One of the Greatest Shows ever

To those who wonder why people pile hate on HS for the dreck he broadcasts today, here is a great reason why they do so. This single show hits so many high points:

Its the day after the Super Bowl and they are paying off bets. Stuttering John isnt paying because he has 'problems' with his ATM card

Howard complaining that its taking forever to download the 9 meg file of his movie commercial

Robiin: She is brilliant here mocking and putting Howard in his place when necessary. Her apartment is talked about, the time a guy handcuffed Robin to a refrigerator...

They talk about the 4th birthday party for Howards youngest daughter. Howard doesnt want to be there and complains to his wife. Howard hates to leave home.

Howie discusses how he got Allison to give him a hand job. He gets pretty graphic. This topic and the birthday party discussion are much more interesting given Howards divorce.

Howard criticizes Gary for not having a tape of the SB betting ready...
Howard: Gary, you arent Type A.
Gary: Howard, youre right. You are a Type A...a Type AHole...

Gary and Jackie get into a fight. Gary holds his own. Brilliant.

Chong is on looking for actors to audition to be the next Cheech. Howard recommends Crackhead Bob. Howard lets the bit go on far too long because its Howard adlibbing. Howard really isnt funny on his own.

The first in studio appearance of The Jesus Twins. They fight with Fred and Gary. Probably fake/scripted but funny.

Dick Clark


Even though this show is 24 years old its still fresh and funny. Howard had put together a great and talented cast. Howard loved pushing boundaries and was willing to through anything and anyone under the bus including his marriage.

The show is out there to listen to in a file of the 1997 shows. You dont even have to download anything.
submitted by madsircool to howardstern [link] [comments]


Ford (Not a financial advisor, etc 🦍) What does Ford, GM, Will Farrell, and Joe Biden have in common?
E l e c t r i c V e h i c l e s (EVs)
The short: Maybe buy some Ford now and hang your hat on it? Maybe quick, sharp gains?
The medium: Ford- announced lines of full EV sedans, suvs, and trucks GM- announced lines of full EV sedans, suvs, and trucks (It’s worth noting that the market has already taken notice and stock has risen to the occasion) Will Farrell- GM paid him to do a super bowl commercial about it. Everyone will watch or discuss a super bowl commercial. Joe Biden- announced that by the end of his presidency, many (all? I can’t remember) of Govt issued vehicles will be EV.
This is big because the USGov is obliged to buy American. Basically, Biden just wrote a check to American auto makers with that statement. Once charging stations are widely available for all Fed vehicles (I say this because I’ve lived in the rural south where it’s not available at all), the population will have less hesitation when deciding to buy full EV or not.
Companies that produce batteries like WKHS would be a decent and stable bet, but I dont know how much more growth they’ll have in the short term.
Listen, I’m dumb. I’m a big dumb. I’m also sketched out about posting stuff because it’s my first time posting my own thread and I hope I’m not in violation of any rules.
I’m open to hearing countervailing points, and I just wanted to hear what you folks thought about my smooth-brained approach to this?
submitted by apayseur to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Well... what are ya’lls plays for tomorrow?

Anybody got anything cooking? I’ve been dipping my toe into the sports betting arena, trying to build a good DD around someone in that game. DraftKings are the largest, but I think maybe one of the Casino houses will develop an edge. I haven’t really come up with anything sound as of yet.
Something else I’m looking into is Charging stations. With all the GM talk (and apparently the Caddie commercials flooding the SuperBowl) it may be worth looking into.
I think both may be too early to really get into right now, though. Kinda like the weed stuff. Need to see strong, broad legalization/legislation around it before I’m head over heels.
Anybody else looking at anything?
submitted by Daegoba to Diamondhedge [link] [comments]

Virginia Lottery Grants Genius Sports Group (DMYD) Online Sports Betting Supply License

Genius Sports Group ("GSG" or "Genius") announced today that the Virginia Lottery has awarded a sports betting supply license to Genius Sports Group.
The license enables Genius Sports Group companies Betgenius and Genius Sports Media to power the sportsbook and marketing operations of licensed betting operators within Virginia’s newly legalized sports wagering market.
GSG began operations in the state upon the launch of Virginia’s market on Thursday, January 21st, 2021, supporting clients operating in the Virginia by providing proprietary sportsbook content, management, and marketing solutions.
"With a population of over 8 million, Virginia’s online sports betting market has significant potential," said Jack Davison, Chief Commercial Officer at Genius Sports. "The market’s timely launch allows local fans to legally bet in time for Super Bowl LV and we can’t wait to work with our partners to deliver the state’s best in-game betting experiences in the years to come."
With the launch of Virginia’s sports betting market, Genius is now live in eleven U.S. states.
submitted by jorlev to SPACs [link] [comments]

Early Super Bowl Props

Thought I might as well get a thread started and see if we can catch some easy wins. BetOnline has some Super Bowl props up and I Just saw/bet this one:
Will Joe Biden be in attendance?
Yes : +300
No: -500
No. A President has never attended a Super Bowl. Recent tradition is to cut a commercial and just call the winners. And given we are going through what Biden admin has called a "dark winter," don't expect that to change. Would be hard to justify the President attending during middle of pandemic, especially when general public (with some minor exceptions) is not allowed to attend. Obviously you have to lay a lot, but at -500 we are talking approximately 83% of non-attendance. Really no way to quantify, but feel like it should be more like >90% he does not attend.
Any other targets out there?
Edit: Went back and checked this morning, they got "No" at -700 now.
submitted by NeometalArmstrong to sportsbook [link] [comments]

Drake surprise appearance at half time show?

I think Drake might appear in the halftime show because him and The Weeknd are close and they have made songs together and they’re both from Toronto. It could be a new song or an old song either solo or with The Weeknd. Sportingnews has bets on Drake showing up so I think it could be likely. I think there might be a CLB commercial also. There’s going to be something involving Drake during the super bowl. I have a good feeling
submitted by ThatDudeInYourAttic to Drizzy [link] [comments]

super bowl bets commercial video

WallStreetBets' 5 second Super Bowl ad says 'their bets ... 39 Best Super Bowl Commercials 2020 - HD Superbowl LIV Ads ... TOP 10 FUNNIEST SUPER BOWL ADS 2020 - Best Ten Superbowl ... Super Bowl Bets - YouTube 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials 2019 - YouTube 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials 2020 - YouTube

Best, worst Super Bowl commercials in 2021: The biggest winners & losers from Super Bowl 55. Not all commercials are created equal. As the Chiefs found out the hard way today, they can't all be ... Super Bowl Super Bowl Commercials 2021: Updated Ad Info, Prop Bets and Movie Trailer Debuts Kristopher Knox @. @kris_knox Like that commercial, some spots dropped online ahead of time to drum up excitement, while others decided to save some of the mystery for Sunday night. From Cardi B to “It Wasn’t Me,” here are the best commercials of the 2021 Super Bowl. The 2021 Super Bowl is upon us, which means a myriad of big-budget, high-profile commercials to air between gameplay. This year, the competition for best and worst Super Bowl commercial is unlike ... Super Bowl commercial roundup: Watch all of the car-themed ads here We've got all of Super Bowl LV's automotive ads, from the best to the rest. Here they come, all Fast & Furious. As if collectively responding to a moment of partisan politics and unsettling news, the bulk of this year's Super Bowl LIV commercials leaned heavily toward the playful and silly. View the best ... Here are the best Super Bowl commercials. By Leah Asmelash, CNN. Updated 8:54 AM ET, Mon February 8, 2021 . Toyota shows the story of Jessica Long, Paralympic swimmer, in its Super Bowl commercial ... Super Bowl Commercials: 13 Best of 2021 Erica Banas // Rock Music Reporter February 7th Share. The Super Bowl isn’t about just the game; it’s about the commercials, too, and it’s been like that for years. Even though this Super Bowl was a bit different thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it still brought funny and poignant moments with some blockbuster commercials. Scroll through ... And the (completely subjective) best commercial of the 2021 Super Bowl trophy goes to . . . Amazon! Created by the agency Lucky Generals, the spot sees Amazon back experimenting with Alexa ... Rocket Mortgage wins best Super Bowl commercial in USA TODAY's Ad Meter. It took second place, too. Tom Schad. USA TODAY. Rocket Mortgage pulled off a surprising double Sunday night. The mortgage ...

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WallStreetBets' 5 second Super Bowl ad says 'their bets ...

I put together ten commercials from the 2020 Super Bowl which I think are the best. I hope you enjoy my compilation. Tell me in the comments which commercial... Check out the BIGGEST and BEST Super Bowl 2020 ads!JOIN THE FUN ON TWITCH! VIDS AT PATREON! http://patreon... Here we've compiled the best new ads released for Super Bowl 2020. Which one is your favorite? Subscribe here for more - Soccer Highlights TV for download app link: ... I put together ten commercials from the 2019 Super Bowl which I think were the best. I have to be honest, this year I didn’t enjoy them as I normally do, the... According to the American Gambling Association, a record 7.6 million Americans will place online bets this year using apps or betting sites—up 63%. Learn mo...

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